Dirty pyjamas

I’m in the mood for a Cat,
But I have no home to offer.
I’m in the mood for a Coke,
But I have none at home.
I’m in the mood for playing Bass,
But I’m afraid to have forgotten how to.
I’m in the mood for having a house of my own,
But I have no money for being alone.
I’m in the mood for being sad,
But I don’t really care anymore.
I’m in the mood for an orgasm,
But how to invite you into my bed?
I’m in the mood for being high,
But I’ve already smoked today.
I’m in the mood for love,
But there’s no one by my side.
I’m in the mood for calling you,
But I didn’t replied your message just some days ago.
I’m in the mood for loving you,
But I’ll never be sure you are in the mood too…


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